Thursday, February 12, 2009

Another week and another illness. It seems like lately all I do is get sick. I'm blaming James for this cold though. He was sick last week and now I have it....but worse. I just got over the stomach flu which has been flowing around here like water. I just had it not more than 2 weeks ago and now this. I think ultimately it is FLORIDA. I've come to the conclusion that cold winters maybe are a good thing. Don't get me wrong, I never want to deal with winter again...well I won't say never but it kills things when it is 5 degrees outside. When it's 70 all winter things just keep growing and blooming. Lots of things bloom here in the winter and so I also have allergies ALL year long,unlike up north where I just had them in the spring. Someday I'll get over all of this so I can run again. Right now I would pass out.....I CAN'T BREATHE!!!


  1. Sorry you're so sick! I understand the allergies all winter thing, it STINKS! Hope you're better soon.

  2. I think you're right about the cold killing things off. I'm sorry you keep getting sick.
